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Dott. Kayhan Turan

Kayhan Turan


Ortopedia e Traumatologia

Kayhan Turan ✆


Il Dott. Kayhan Turan si è laureato alla Facoltà di Medicina dell’Università di Istanbul nel 1992.

Ha completato la formazione specialistica in ortopedia e traumatologia presso l’ Università di Uludağ nel 1998

Dott. Kayhan Turan ha ulteriormente approfondito la sua formazione in  ortopedia.

Nel 2001, presso la Northwestern University School of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinic, sull’artroscopia della spalla, ha lavorato con Gordon Nuber per un mese. 

Nel 2002, presso la Northwestern University School of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinic, accanto ad Armen S. Kelikian, ha approfondito le sue conoscenze sulla chirurgia del piede e della caviglia. 

Nel 2003 e nel 2004 a Mainz, in Germania, ha partecipato a complessi interventi di artroscopia del ginocchio presso la clinica di Jakob Grevenstein.

Nella Clinica di ortopedia sportiva presso la Rush University School of Medicine di Chicago, ha lavorato come medico osservatore con Brian Cole.

Nel 2014 frequenta il Twin Cities Orthopaedic Center di Minneapolis, USA, per osservare tecniche avanzate di chirurgia artroscopica dell’anca.

Ha lavorato con Christopher Larson e in seguito è diventato uno dei pionieri della chirurgia artroscopica dell’anca in Turchia.

Nel 2012 e nel 2013 ha sviluppato a Sacramento, negli Stati Uniti, il rivoluzionario metodo di chirurgia della protesi cinematica del ginocchio nella protesi totale del ginocchio, ha lavorato con Stephen Howell . 

Dopo aver appreso questa tecnica chirurgica , è diventato il primo medico ad applicare il metodo cinematico negli interventi di sostituzione del ginocchio in Turchia.

Da allora, nella convinzione che l’intervento di protesi cinematica del ginocchio sia la tecnica più adatta per la struttura articolare naturale umana, il Dott. Kayhan Turan , è stato uno dei più strenui sostenitori di questo metodo.

Ha eseguito per la prima volta un intervento di protesi totale di ginocchio robotico in Turchia nel 2016, dal 2018 lo ha reso una tecnica di routine 

Ad oggi sono più di 800 gli interventi di sostituzione robotica dell’articolazione dell’anca e del ginocchio, il Dott. Kayhan Turan ha anche condotto corsi di chirurgia della protesi robotica del ginocchio per dozzine di specialisti ortopedici dalla Turchia e dall’estero. Continua ancora questi corsi di formazione presso la TT Orthopaedic Academy.

Formazione e congressi

  • Kayhan TURAN ,MD started to work as a Research Assistant Doctor in the Orthopedics and Traumatology Department of Uludag University Faculty of Medicine in 1993, after graduating from Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1992
  • Dr. Kayhan TURAN completed his Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialization training at Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine in 1998.
  • In 1997, at the Northwestern University School of Medicine Sports Orthopedics clinic in Chicago, United States, He worked with James Hill, MD and Gordon Nuber, MD and prepared his specialty thesis on patients who had shoulder surgery here. During his stay in Chicago, he attended courses as a staff assistant at the American Orthopedic Learning Center.
  • Kayhan Turan, MD was working in Bursa Cekirge State Hospital Orthopedics Clinic between 1999-2007 as well as he has been the medical director of the Turan&Turan Bone Muscle Joint Health Center since 1999 and the Robotic Orthopedic Surgery Center which established in 2016.
  • Kayhan Turan, MD who frequently attending international congresses, meetings, courses, and visiting the best clinics, has further deepened his orthopedic specialty training. In 2001, at the Northwestern University School of Medicine Orthopedics Clinic, He worked with Gordon Nuber, MD in the shoulder arthroscopy field for a month. In 2002, at the Northwestern University School of Medicine Orthopedics Clinic, He increased his knowledge on foot
    and ankle surgery alongside Armen S. Kelikian, MD. In 2003 and 2004 in Mainz, Germany, He participated in complex knee arthroscopy surgeries at Jakob Grevenstein’s clinic. In the Sports Orthopedics Clinic at Rush University School of Medicine in Chicago, He was with Brian Cole, MD as an observer doctor.
  • Kayhan Turan, who started hip arthroscopy surgeries in 1999, attended the surgeries performed by Christopher Larson, MD in Twin Cities Orthopedic Center in Minneapolis, the USA in 2014 to observe advanced techniques in arthroscopic hip surgery. After that, he became one of the pioneers of arthroscopic hip surgeries in Turkey.
  • In 2012 and 2013, he worked with Stephen Howell,MD, who developed the revolutionary kinematic knee prosthesis surgery method in total knee joint replacement in Sacramento, USA. After learning this surgical technique from him, he became the first physician to apply the kinematic method in knee replacement surgeries in Turkey.
  • Kayhan TURAN, MD performed robotic total knee replacement surgery for the first time in Turkey in 2016 as well as he started to apply robotic total hip replacement surgeries for the first time in 2018. He has performed more than 700 robotic knees and hips joint replacement surgeries until this time. Kayhan Turan,MD also gave robotic knee replacement surgery training to dozens of orthopedic specialists from Turkey and abroad. He still continues
    these training programs at TT Orthopedic Academy.


  • The Director of Turan Turan Health Group
  • The Director of TT Orthopedics Academy
  • The Director of Robotic Orthopedic Surgery Center
  • Orthopedic Robotic Surgery Association President
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